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Neues Fachbuch „Events: Future, Trends, Perspectives“ von Kim Werner & Ye Ding erschienen!

Das Buch ist in englischer Sprache erschienen und enthält 15 Kapitel internationaler Experten der Eventforschung. Sie beleuchten und diskutieren aktuelle Themen wie disruptive Entwicklungen, Nachhaltigkeit, Diversität, Eventpsychologie oder auch aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Eventausbildung.

Events – future, trends, perspectives provides insights into many of the recent developments within the diverse event industry. International scholars and experts with backgrounds in multiple related fields have taken up exciting research topics and offer perspectives, thoughts and views on a number of current and future issues and challenges. The topics are as diverse as the industry itself and include discussions on gender and diversity, disruptive technologies, sustainability, psychological effects, the co-creation of experiences, the future of event education and many more. Vivid case studies and best practice examples are used to illustrate current and future developments and to spark discussion and debate amongst scholars, practitioners and students alike. The Corona crisis (Covid-19) is having a massive impact on the events industry. Due to the editorial deadline of this book in February 2020, this topic could not be considered in this edition. We ask for your understanding.


Hier eine Auswahl der Kapitel:

Doppler, S., Schmidt, B. & Funke, L.: Work Stress of Event Managers

Gehrke, G.: Researching the future of event education

Große Ophoff, M., Griese, K.-M. & Werner, K: Event organisations at the interface between sustainability and digitalisation

Ronft, S.: Event psychology –  an interdisciplinary approach

Böhmer, N., Werner, K. & Wargin, I.: Female Careers in the event industry – myth, reality or future vision?

… und viele mehr.



Das Buch ist in allen Buchhandlungen erhältlich.

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